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leave behind是什么意思,leave behind的解释 - 英汉

一:leave behind是什么意思,leave behind的解释 - 英汉的意思

Leave behind是一个动词短语,意为“留下;把…忘在后面;遗忘”。它可以指物理上的遗留,也可以指上的遗忘。


leave [liːv]

leave behind是什么意思,leave behind的解释 - 英汉

behind [bɪˈhaɪnd]


1. leave behind + 名词:留下某物/某人

例句:She left her bag behind in the restaurant. 她把包忘在了餐厅。

2. leave behind + 名词/代词 + to do sth. :留下某物/某人做某事

例句:He left a note behind for his wife to read. 他给他妻子留了张便条。

3. leave sb/sth behind: 忘记带走某人/某物;落后于某人/某物

例句:I always forget something when I travel, I hate leaving things behind. 我出门旅行总是会忘记带东西,我讨厌丢东西。

4. leave sb/sth behind: 抛弃某人/某物;离开(家庭、工作等)

例句:He decided to leave his family and start a new life in another city. 他决定离开家庭,在另一个城市开始新的生活。


1. She left her phone behind at the office. 她把手机忘在了办公室。

2. Don't forget to leave the key behind when you go out. 出门时别忘了把钥匙留下。

3. He always leaves his homework behind and has to go back to get it. 他总是把作业忘在家里,不得不回去拿。

4. The old man felt sad leaving his hometown behind and moving to the city. 老人离开家乡,搬到城市,感到很伤感。

5. The company decided to leave the outdated technology behind and invest in new equipment. 公司决定放弃过时的技术,投资购买新设备。


1. forget: 忘记;遗忘

例句:I'm sorry, I forgot your birthday! 对不起,我忘记了你的生日!

2. abandon: 抛弃;离弃

例句:The mother abandoned her baby in front of the hospital. 这位母亲抛弃了她的婴儿在医院门口。

3. disregard: 忽视;不顾

例句:He disregarded my advice and ended up failing the exam. 他无视我的建议,最终考试失败了。

4. leave out: 省略;遗漏

例句:Don't leave out any important details in your report. 在你的报告中不要遗漏任何重要的细节。

5. abandon oneself to: 陷入;沉溺于

例句:He abandoned himself to alcohol after losing his job. 失业后他沉溺于酒精。


Leave behind是一个常见的动词短语,意为“留下;把…忘在后面;遗忘”。它可以指物理上的遗留,也可以指上的遗忘。它的用法灵活多样,可以搭配不同的名词和动词形式。同时,它还有一些近义词,如forget、abandon等,但每个词都有自己的特定用法。编辑建议读者在使用时根据具体语境选择合适的表达方式。


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