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get ahead造句

一:get ahead造句的意思:

get ahead是一个动词短语,意为“取得进步;取得成功;超越他人”。


get ahead的读音为 /ɡet əˈhɛd/。

get ahead造句


get ahead通常用作不及物动词短语,后接介词in或of,表示取得进步或成功。也可以用作及物动词短语,后接名词或代词作宾语,表示超越某人或某事物。


1. She worked hard and finally got ahead in her career. 她努力工作最终在事业上取得了进步。

2. With his intelligence and determination, he always manages to get ahead of his peers. 凭借着他的智慧和决心,他总是能超越同龄人。

3. The company's new marketing strategy helped them get ahead of their compes. 公司的新营销策略帮助他们超越了竞争对手。

4. Don't worry, you'll get ahead in your studies with hard work and dedication. 不要担心,只要努力和专注,你就能在学业上取得进步。

5. He used dishonest tactics to get ahead in the corporate world, but it eventually backfired on him. 他使用不诚实的手段在企业界取得了成功,但最终这些手段对他产生了不利影响。


1. Succeed:意为“成功”,常与in连用,表示在某一领域取得成功。

例句:She succeeded in her new job and got promoted within a year. 她在新工作上取得了成功,并在一年内晋升了。

2. Excel:意为“擅长;优于;突出”,常与at连用,表示在某一方面表现出色。

例句:He excels at sports and always gets ahead of his compes. 他在运动方面表现出色,总是能超越竞争对手。

3. Outdo:意为“超越;胜过”,常与in连用,表示超过某人或某事物。

例句:The company's new product outdid their previous ones and became a huge success. 公司的新产品胜过了之前的产品,取得了巨大成功。

4. Surpass:意为“超过;胜过”,常与in连用,表示比某人或某事物更好。

例句:Her academic achievements surpassed everyone's expectations and she was awarded a scholarship. 她的学术成就超过了所有人的期望,获得了奖学金。


get ahead是一个常见的动词短语,在英语中有着广泛的使用场合。它可以表示取得进步或成功,也可以表示超越某人或某事物。为了更好地使用这个短语,我们可以结合不同的介词和宾语来表达不同的意思。同时,还可以通过使用同义词来丰富表达方式,使语言更加生动有趣。


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