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get ahead是什么意思,get ahead的翻译,get ahead音标、读

get ahead是一个常用的短语,意思是“取得成功,进步”。它可以作为动词短语使用,也可以作为名词短语使用。在英文中,get是一个常用的动词,意思是“获得、变得”,ahead是一个副词,意思是“向前、在前面”。因此,get ahead的字面意思就是“获得向前的位置或状态”。


get ahead的音标为/dʒet əˈhed/。


作为动词短语时,get ahead通常带有肯定的含义,表示取得成功或进步。它可以用来描述个人或团体在工作、学习或生活中取得进展。:

get ahead是什么意思,get ahead的翻译,get ahead音标、读

- She worked hard and finally got ahead in her career.(她努力工作最终在事业上取得了进步。)

- The company's innovative strategies helped them get ahead of their compes.(公司的创新战略帮助他们超越了竞争对手。)

作为名词短语时,get ahead通常指个人或团体取得成功或进步的状态。:

- He's always striving to get ahead in life.(他总是努力在生活中取得进步。)

- Our team's hard work has helped us get ahead in the industry.(我们团队的辛勤工作帮助我们在行业中取得了进步。)


1. She's determined to get ahead in her career and is constantly taking on new challenges.(她决心在事业上取得进步,经常接受新的挑战。)

2. The company's training program is designed to help employees get ahead in their respective fields.(公司的培训计划旨在帮助员工在各自的领域取得进步。)

3. He's always trying to find ways to get ahead of his classmates in school.(他总是试图找到方法超越同学在学校里。)

4. With hard work and determination, she was able to get ahead of her compes and win the race.(凭借拼搏和决心,她能够超越竞争对手并赢得比赛。)

5. The company's new marketing strategy has helped them get ahead of their compes and increase their market share.(公司的新营销策略帮助他们超越竞争对手并增加了市场份额。)


1. Succeed:意为“成功”,常用来表示取得目标或达到预期结果。

例句:She worked hard and finally succeeded in getting the promotion she wanted.


2. Advance:意为“前进、进步”,通常指向前移动或发展。

例句:The company's new technology has helped them advance in the market.


3. Progress:意为“进步、发展”,常用来指向前的变化或发展。

例句:With hard work and determination, he was able to make progress in his studies.


4. Excel:意为“出色、优秀”,通常指在某个领域表现突出。

例句:She has always excelled in her studies and is at the of her class.


5. Prosper:意为“繁荣、兴旺”,通常指经济或事业方面的成功。

例句:With the right investments, the company was able to prosper and expand globally.



get ahead是一个常用的短语,意思是“取得成功、进步”。它可以作为动词短语使用,也可以作为名词短语使用。作为动词时,它表示取得成功或进步;作为名词时,它指个人或团体取得成功或进步的状态。同义词包括succeed、advance、progress、excel和prosper。要注意区分get ahead和get ahead of的用法,后者表示“超越、领先”。通过努力工作和决心,我们可以取得成功并取得进步。


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