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get across英英字典

一:get across的意思:

Get across是一个动词短语,意思是“表达;传达;使被理解”。它可以用来描述通过言语、文字或行为来传递信息、想法或感情,让别人能够理解。

get across英英字典


Get across的读音为/dʒet əˈkrɔːs/,其中/dʒ/发音类似于英文单词“judge”的/j/,/et/发音类似于英文单词“get”的/e/和/t/,/əˈkrɔːs/发音类似于英文单词“across”的/a/和/s/。


1. Get across + 宾语


- He couldn't get his point across to the audience.(他无法向观众表达自己的观点。)

- She tried to get her feelings across to him, but he just didn't understand.(她试图向他表达自己的感受,但他就是不理解。)

2. Get something + 宾语 + across


- The teacher managed to get the complicated concept across to his students.(老师成功地让学生们理解了复杂的概念。)

- It's important to get your message across clearly.(清楚地传达你的信息很重要。)


1. She was trying to get her point across, but he kept interrupting her.(她试图表达自己的观点,但他一直在打断她。)

2. The speaker used a lot of examples to get the idea across to the audience.(演讲者用了很多例子来让观众理解这个想法。)

3. It's difficult to get across the cultural differences between these two countries.(想要让人理解这两个之间的文化差异很困难。)

4. I don't think I'm getting my message across to you, am I?(我觉得我没有把我的信息传达给你,是吗?)

5. He always struggles to get his emotions across, but he's getting better at it.(他总是难以表达自己的情绪,但他越来越擅长了。)


1. Convey

Convey也是一个动词,意思和get across类似,都是“传达;表达”的意思。它可以用来表示通过言语、文字或行为来传递信息、想法或感情。

- She conveyed her gratitude to her parents for their support.

- The artist's painting conveys a sense of loneliness.

2. Communicate


- It's important to communicate your ideas clearly.

- The two countries have been communicating through diplomatic channels.

3. Express


- She expressed her love for him through a song.

- The actor's facial expressions perfectly express his character's emotions.


Get across是一个常用的动词短语,意思是“表达;传达;使被理解”。它可以用来描述通过言语、文字或行为来传递信息、想法或感情,让别人能够理解。它的同义词包括convey、communicate和express。在使用中,需要注意搭配的宾语和前置介词的变化。希望这篇文章能够帮助你更好地理解get across这个短语,并且能够在日常生活中正确地使用它。


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