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1. lute是什么乐器?


2. lute的起源和发展


3. lute是什么乐器?lute的起源和发展读音读法

[ljuːt] [luːt]

4. lute是什么乐器?lute的起源和发展用例

1) 他用着手指轻轻地拨动着那把古老的lute。

2) 这位音乐家精通多种乐器,其中包括lute。

3) 在古典音乐中,lute常被用来伴奏歌唱。

5. lute是什么乐器?lute的起源和发展组词


6. lute是什么乐器?lute的起源和发展的中英文对照

Lute - 鲁特

1. lute是什么乐器?

Lute is a plucked string instrument with typically six strings, although there are variations with seven or eight strings. It has a shape similar to the modern guitar, but larger and without a solid back. It was popular during the medieval and Renaissance periods, considered a symbol of nobility and upper class.

2. lute的起源和发展

The lute originated in ancient Egypt and Greece, originally called "lyre". It was introduced to Spain during the Middle Ages and gradually spread to other parts of Europe. During the Renaissance period, the lute reached its peak popularity and was widely used in various European countries. However, over time, it was gradually replaced by more modern instruments.

3. lute是什么乐器?lute的起源和发展读音读法

[ljuːt] [luːt]

4. lute是什么乐器?lute的起源和发展用例

1) He plucked at the ancient lute with his fingers gently.

2) This musician is skilled in various instruments, including the lute.

3) In classical music, the lute is often used to accompany singing.

5. lute是什么乐器?lute的起源和发展组词

组词:guitar, pipa, plucked, stringed, musician

6. lute是什么乐器?lute的起源和发展的中英文对照

Lute - 鲁特


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