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1. memorial是指为了纪念某人或某件事而建立的物品或场所。:The memorial was built to commemorate the soldiers who died in the war.(这座是为了纪念在战争中牺牲的士而建立的。)

2. memorial也可以用作形容词,意为“纪念的”。:They held a memorial service for their late friend.(他们为已故的朋友举行了一场追悼仪式。)

3. 在方面,memorial也可以指纪念某位圣徒或重要的。:The church was built as a memorial to Saint Peter.(这座教堂是为了纪念圣彼得而建立的。)

4. 在美国,memorial通常指以、或其他重要人物命名的公共建筑或景点。:Lincoln Memorial, Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial, Washington Monument等。(林肯纪念堂、马丁·路德·金、华盛顿纪念塔等。)

5. 在英国,memorial通常指以战争中牺牲的士命名的公共建筑或景点。:The Cenotaph, War Memorial等。(雄鹰塔、战争等。)




1. The memorial service will be held at the church on Sunday.(追悼仪式将在周日在教堂举行。)

2. The city council approved the construction of a memorial park for the victims of the earthquake.(市议会批准建造一座纪念公园,以纪念地震中的受害者。)

3. The actress donated a large sum of money to build a memorial library for her late husband who was an avid reader.(这位女演员捐赠了一大笔钱来建造一座纪念图书馆,以纪念她已故的丈夫,他是一个热爱阅读的人。)

4. Every year, on Memorial Day, people lay wreaths at the war memorials to honor those who sacrificed their lives for their country.(每年的阵亡将士纪念日,人们都会在战争前敬献花圈,以表彰那些为国捐躯的人。)

5. The museum has a special exhibition on the history of the memorial and its significance to the community.(博物馆有一场关于历史及其对社区意义的特别展览。)


1. war memorial(战争)

2. memorial service(追悼仪式)

3. memorial park(纪念公园)

4. memorial library(纪念图书馆)

5. national memorial(纪念地)


1. memorial是指为了纪念某人或某件事而建立的物品或场所。:The memorial was built to commemorate the soldiers who died in the war.(这座是为了纪念在战争中牺牲的士而建立的。)

2. 在方面,memorial也可以指纪念某位圣徒或重要的。:The church was built as a memorial to Saint Peter.(这座教堂是为了纪念圣彼得而建立的。)

3. 在美国,memorial通常指以、或其他重要人物命名的公共建筑或景点。:Lincoln Memorial, Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial, Washington Monument等。(林肯纪念堂、马丁·路德·金、华盛顿纪念塔等。)

4. 在英国,memorial通常指以战争中牺牲的士命名的公共建筑或景点。:The Cenotaph, War Memorial等。(雄鹰塔、战争等。)

1. memorial is an object or place built to commemorate someone or something. For example: The memorial was built to commemorate the soldiers who died in the war.

2. In religion, a memorial can also refer to the commemoration of a saint or important religious event. For example: The church was built as a memorial to Saint Peter.

3. In the United States, a memorial usually refers to a public building or site named after a president, national leader, or other important figure. For example: Lincoln Memorial, Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial, Washington Monument.

4. In the UK, a memorial typically refers to a public building or site named after soldiers who died in war. For example: The Cenotaph, War Memorial.



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