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1. mass是名词,意为“大量;团;群众”。:There is a mass of evidence to support the theory.(有大量的证据支持这个理论。)

2. mass的用法和例句读音读法:[mæs],美式英语发音为/mæs/,英式英语发音为/mɑːs/。

3. mass是动词,意为“聚集;使集中”。:The protesters are trying to mass outside the government building.(者正试图在大楼外聚集。)

4. mass是名词,意为“质量;体积”。:The mass of the car makes it difficult to push by hand.(汽车的重量使得它很难用手推动。)

5. mass是形容词,意为“大规模的;大量的”。:The company announced a mass layoff due to financial difficulties.(由于财务困难,公司宣布大规模裁员。)


mass production(批量生产)

mass media(大众媒体)

mass communication(群众传播)

mass extinction(物种大灭绝)

mass movement(群众运动)


1. The concert attracted a large mass of people. 这场音乐会吸引了一大群人。

2. The scientists are studying the mass of the planet. 科学家们正在研究这个行星的质量。

3. The company announced a mass layoff due to financial difficulties. 由于财务困难,公司宣布大规模裁员。

4. The protesters are trying to mass outside the government building. 者正试图在大楼外聚集。

5. The mass of evidence supports the theory. 大量的证据支持这个理论。




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