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1. implement翻译怎么写?的解释:


2. implement翻译怎么写?读音读法:

英 [ˈɪmplɪment] 美 [ˈɪmpləmənt]


3. implement翻译怎么写?的用例:

1) The government is planning to implement new policies to reduce air pollution.


2) Our team has successfully implemented the new software system.


3) It's time to put our plans into action and implement them.


4) The company has invested a lot of money to implement sustainable practices.


5) The teacher used various teaching methods to implement the lesson effectively.


4. implement翻译怎么写?组词:

- implementation:n. 实施,执行

- implementer:n. 实施者,执行者

- implementable:adj. 可实施的,可执行的

- unimplemented:adj. 未实施的,未执行的

5. implement翻译怎么写?的中英文对照:

1) The company is planning to implement a new strategy next year.


2) We need to find a way to implement these changes smoothly.


3) The government has implemented stricter regulations on food safety.


4) Our team is responsible for implementing the new marketing plan.


5) The teacher used different teaching methods to implement the lesson effectively.


6. 对整个内容做一个简单的总结:



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