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break into是什么意思,break into的解释

一:break into是什么意思,break into的解释 的意思

break into是什么意思,break into的解释

break into是一个动词短语,意为“闯入”,“侵入”。其主要含义为强行进入某个地方或某个活动。同时也可以指突然开始做某事,打断某人的行为或者话语。


break into的音标为 [breɪk ˈɪntuː]。


1. break into + 地点:表示“闯入”、“侵入”某个地方。

例句:The thieves broke into the house and stole all the valuable items.


2. break into + 活动/行业:表示“加入”、“涉足”某项活动或行业。

例句:She finally decided to break into the fashion industry.


3. break into + 动词-ing形式:表示突然开始做某事。

例句:The children broke into laughter when they saw the clown.


4. break into + 名词:表示打断某人的行为或话语。

例句:He broke into her conversation with an important announcement.


5. break into + 名词短语:表示突然发生某事。

例句:The news broke into the peaceful morning.



1. The thieves broke into the house and stole all the valuable items.


2. She finally decided to break into the fashion industry.


3. The children broke into laughter when they saw the clown.


4. He broke into her conversation with an important announcement.


5. The news broke into the peaceful morning.



1. invade:意为“侵略”,“入侵”。与break into相比,invade更多指上的侵略,也可以指非法地进入某个地方。

例句:The country was invaded by enemy forces last night.


2. trespass:意为“非法进入”,“擅自闯入”。与break into相比,trespass更多指非法地闯入私人或进入的地方。

例句:The sign clearly stated that trespassers would be prosecuted.


3. penetrate:意为“穿透”,“渗透”。与break into相比,penetrate更多指通过障碍物进入某个地方。

例句:The bullet penetrated the wall and hit the target.



break into是一个常用的动词短语,意为“闯入”,“侵入”。它的用法比较灵活,可以表示强行进入某个地方、加入某项活动或行业、突然开始做某事等。同时,它也可以指打断某人的行为或话语。与之相似的同义词有invade、trespass和penetrate。在使用时需要根据具体语境选择合适的词汇。


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