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ambitious什么意思? ambitious翻译(中文文):有雄心的,




ambitious什么意思? ambitious翻译(中文文):有雄心的,

1. She has always been an ambitious person, striving for success in every aspect of her life. 她一直是一个雄心勃勃的人,努力在生活的各个方面取得成功。

2. The young entrepreneur has ambitious plans to expand his business globally. 这位年轻企业家有雄心勃勃的计划将他的业务拓展到全球。

3. Despite facing many challenges, the ambitious politician never gave up on his dream of making a positive change in society. 尽管面临许多挑战,这位雄心勃勃的家从未放弃过让社会发生积极变革的梦想。

4. It takes an ambitious person to climb the corporate ladder and reach the positions in a company. 成功攀登公司内部阶梯并达到高层职位需要一个有野心的人。

5. The ambitious project aims to provide clean water to remote villages in developing countries. 这个雄心勃勃的项目旨在为发展中偏远村庄提供清洁水源。


1. Driven: adj. 有决心的,坚定不移的。:He is a driven individual who never gives up on his goals.

2. Enterprising: adj. 有事业心的,有进取的。:The young entrepreneur is an enterprising individual with many innovative ideas.

3. Ambitiousness: n. 雄心,野心。:Her ambitiousness knows no bounds, she is always striving for more.

4. Aspiring: adj. 有抱负的,渴望成为某事物的。:The aspiring actor dreams of making it big in Hollywood one day.

5. Determined: adj. 决心的,坚定的。:Despite facing many obstacles, the determined student never gave up on her dream of becoming a doctor.


Ambitious一词通常用来形容一个人有雄心壮志,追求成功和成就。它可以用来描述一个人在事业、学业或生活中都有远大的目标,并且不断努力去实现这些目标。除了形容个人外,ambitious也可以用来形容一项计划、项目或目标具有雄心勃勃的特点。它也可以与其他形容词搭配使用,如ambitious plans(雄心勃勃的计划)、ambitious goals(雄心勃勃的目标)等。总之,ambitious这个词传递出一种积极向上、追求成功和进步的态度,在各个领域都可以使用。


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