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This means how to write in English.


/ðɪs ɪz seɪ ˈɪŋglɪʃ haʊ tu raɪt/



This phrase is used to indicate the action of writing in the English language.

Example Sentences:

1. Writing an essay may seem daunting, but don't worry, this just means putting your thoughts into words in English. (写一篇文章可能看起来很困难,但别担心,这只是指用英文把你的想法表达出来。)

2. Can you show me how to write my name in English? (你能教我如何用英文写我的名字吗?)

3. The teacher asked us to write a short story in English for our homework. (老师要求我们为作业写一篇英文短篇小说。)

4. Learning how to write in English is an important skill for communicating with people from different countries. (学习如何用英文书写是与来自不同的人交流的重要技能。)

5. He struggled with writing his resume in English, but with practice, he finally got it right. (他在用英文撰写简历时遇到了困难,但经过练习,最终成功了。)

Synonyms and Usage:

- Write: To form letters, words or symbols on a surface with a pen, pencil or keyboard.

- Compose: To create or write something, especially a piece of music or writing.

- Draft: To prepare a preliminary version of something before making it final.

- Pen: To write or compose something, often used in a formal or literary context.

- Record: To write down or document something for future reference.

Editor's Summary:

In summary, this phrase refers to the act of writing in the English language. It is commonly used in everyday conversations and can be applied to various writing tasks such as essays, stories, or even simple words like names. Other synonyms for "write" include compose, draft, pen, and record. Learning how to write in English is an important skill for effective communication with people from different countries.


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