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Meaning: How do you say this in English?

Pronunciation: /haʊ duː juː seɪ ðɪs ɪn ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ/

Usage: This phrase is used when someone wants to know the English translation or equivalent of a word or phrase in another language.


Example Sentences:

1. How do you say "thank you" in English? (你怎么说“谢谢”这个词的英语翻译?)

2. I'm sorry, I don't understand. Can you tell me how to say it in English? (对不起,我不明白。你能告诉我怎么用英语说吗?)

3. My friend asked me how to say "hello" in Spanish, and I taught her. (我的朋友问我怎么用西班牙语说“你好”,然后我教了她。)

4. When traveling to a foreign country, it's always helpful to know how to say basic phrases in the local language. (当去外国旅行时,知道如何用当地语言说一些基本短语总是很有帮助的。)

5. The app has a feature that allows users to translate any word or phrase into English by simply typing it in their native language. (这个应用有一个功能,允许用户通过简单地用母语输入来将任何单词或短语翻译成英语。)

Synonyms and Usage:

1. How do you pronounce this in English? (你怎么发音这个词的英语版本?)

2. What's the English word for this? (这个东西的英文单词是什么?)

3. Can you help me translate this into English? (你能帮我把这个翻译成英语吗?)

Editor's Summary:

Knowing how to say something in English is an essential skill for language learners and travelers. This phrase is commonly used when someone wants to know the English translation or equivalent of a word or phrase in another language. It can also be used when someone wants to learn how to pronounce a word in English or find the English word for something. With the advancement of technology, there are now various tools and apps that can help with translating and pronouncing words in different languages.


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