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"走出森林"的英文翻译为"out of the woods",意为摆脱困境、解决问题或度过危机,也可指走出密集的树林或森林。


out of the woods [aʊt ɒv ðə wʊdz]



"out of the woods"通常用作形容词短语,表示成功解决问题、度过危机或摆脱困境。也可以作为动词短语使用,意为走出树林或森林。


1. After months of hard work, we finally made it out of the woods and our business is now thriving. (经过数月的努力工作,我们终于成功解决问题,现在生意兴旺起来了。)

2. The team was struggling, but with their new coach, they are slowly getting out of the woods. (球队一直在挣扎,但是有了新教练后,他们正在慢慢摆脱困境。)

3. It took me a while to realize that I was lost in the forest, but luckily I managed to find my way out of the woods. (我花了一些时间才意识到自己迷失在森林中,但幸运的是我最终找到了出路。)

4. The company has been facing financial difficulties, but with the new investment, they are finally out of the woods. (公司一直面临着财务困难,但是有了新的投资,他们终于走出了困境。)

5. The hikers were relieved to see the end of the trail and knew they were out of the woods. (徒步旅行者看到小径尽头时松了一口气,知道自己已经走出了树林。)


1. Overcome: 克服、战胜

"overcome"也可以表示克服困难、解决问题或度过危机,与"out of the woods"意思相近。

例句:"After many obstacles, we finally overcame our challenges and achieved success." (经过许多阻碍,我们最终克服了挑战并取得了成功。)

2. Out of trouble: 摆脱麻烦

"out of trouble"可表示摆脱困境或解决问题,与"out of the woods"意思类似。

例句:"Thanks to my lawyer's help, I managed to get out of trouble with the law." (多亏了我的律师帮助,我成功地摆脱了法律的纠缠。)

3. Clear: 清除、解决

"clear"也可以表示解决问题或摆脱困境,与"out of the woods"意思相近。

例句:"After weeks of negotiations, we finally cleared all the misunderstandings and reached an agreement." (经过数周的谈判,我们最终消除了所有的误解并达成了协议。)


"out of the woods"是一个常用的英文短语,通常用来表示成功解决问题、度过危机或摆脱困境。它可以作为形容词短语或动词短语使用,具有积极的含义。除了本文提到的同义词外,还可以使用类似意思的短语如:"in the clear"、"out of danger"、 "beyond difficulties"等。在写作和口语中,合理运用这些表达方式能够丰富语言表达,使文章更加生动有趣。


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