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Astonishingly, in English, refers to something that is extremely surprising, shocking or unexpected. It is often used to describe something that catches one's attention or leaves a strong impression.

How to read: /əˈstɒnɪʃɪŋli/

Usage: Astonishingly is an adverb that is used to express surprise or amazement. It can be used in both formal and informal contexts.


Example sentences:

1. The magician's performance was astonishingly good, leaving the audience in awe.


2. The new technology has advanced astonishingly fast in the past decade.


3. She was astonished by the size of the diamond ring her boyfriend gave her.


4. Astonishingly, the little girl managed to solve the puzzle in just a few minutes.


5. The team's victory was astonishingly unexpected, as they were considered underdogs.


Synonyms and usage:

1. Surprisingly - This adverb can be used interchangeably with astonishingly and has a similar meaning of being unexpectedly impressive or amazing.

2. Shockingly - This adverb emphasizes the element of shock or surprise and is often used to describe something negative or unpleasant.

3. Astoundingly - This adverb suggests something that is beyond what is expected or believed to be possible.

4. Remarkably - This adverb can be used to describe something that is impressive or surprising in a positive way.

5. Startlingly - This adverb emphasizes the suddenness or unexpectedness of something and is often used to describe something that causes shock or alarm.

Editor's summary:

Astonishingly is a powerful adverb that can be used to express surprise, amazement, and shock. It adds emphasis and impact to a sentence, making it more attention-grabbing. It can be used in various contexts, from describing positive achievements to negative events. Synonyms such as surprisingly, shockingly, astoundingly, remarkably, and startlingly can also be used depending on the tone and context of the sentence. As an editor, it is important to use this word appropriately and sparingly to avoid repetition and maintain its impact.


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