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1. Word: Melancholy


Pronunciation: /ˈmelənkəli/

Usage: a feeling of deep sadness or sorrow

Example sentence: She couldn't shake off the melancholy that had settled over her since her grandmother's passing. (她无法摆脱自祖母去世以来萦绕在她身边的忧伤。)

Synonyms and usage: sadness, sorrow, grief, depression; despondency, dejection; gloom, despair. (悲伤,悲痛,悲哀,抑郁;失望,沮丧;阴暗,绝望。)

Editor's summary: Melancholy refers to a deep feeling of sadness or sorrow that can linger for a long time. It is often associated with loss or grief and can be difficult to shake off. Synonyms for melancholy include sadness, sorrow, and depression.

2. Word: Serendipity

Pronunciation: /ˌserənˈdipədē/

Usage: the occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way

Example sentence: We met by serendipity at the coffee shop and ended up becoming lifelong friends. (我们在咖啡店偶然相遇,并最终成为了一生的朋友。)

Synonyms and usage: chance, luck, fortune; coincidence, happenstance; fortuity, providence. (机会,运气,幸运;巧合,偶然性;偶然性,天意。)

Editor's summary: Serendipity refers to unexpected events or circumstances that lead to positive outcomes. It is often associated with chance or luck and can result in happy or beneficial experiences. Synonyms for serendipity include fortune, coincidence, and fortuity.

3. Word: Resilience

Pronunciation: /rɪˈzɪljəns/

Usage: the ability to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness

Example sentence: Despite facing numerous challenges, her resilience allowed her to bounce back and achieve success. (尽管面临诸多挑战,她的韧性使她能够迅速恢复并取得成功。)

Synonyms and usage: perseverance, endurance, fortitude; strength, toughness; adaptability, flexibility. (毅力,忍耐力,坚韧;强度,坚韧;适应性,灵活性。)

Editor's summary: Resilience refers to the ability to bounce back from difficult situations or challenges. It is associated with strength and toughness, as well as adaptability and flexibility. Synonyms for resilience include perseverance, endurance, and fortitude.

4. Word: Altruism

Pronunciation: /ˈæltruɪzəm/

Usage: the belief in or practice of selfless concern for the well-being of others

Example sentence: Her altruism was evident in her constant volunteer work at local charities. (她的无私在她经常在当地慈善做义工时表现得淋漓尽致。)

Synonyms and usage: selflessness, generosity, philanthropy; compassion, kindness; benevolence, charity. (无私,慷慨,慈善;同情心,仁慈;仁爱,慈善。)

Editor's summary: Altruism refers to the belief in or practice of selfless concern for the well-being of others. It is often associated with acts of kindness or generosity towards others. Synonyms for altruism include selflessness, philanthropy, and compassion.

5. Word: Procrastination

Pronunciation: /prəˌkræsˈtɪneɪʃən/

Usage: the action of delaying or postponing something

Example sentence: His procrastination often resulted in missed deadlines and unfinished tasks. (他的拖延经常导致错过截止日期和未完成的任务。)

Synonyms and usage: delay, postponement, hesitation; dawdling, stalling; laziness, indolence. (延迟,推迟,犹豫;拖延,耽搁;懒惰,懒散。)

Editor's summary: Procrastination refers to the act of delaying or postponing tasks or responsibilities. It is often associated with hesitation or laziness and can lead to negative consequences such as missed deadlines. Synonyms for procrastination include delay, postponement, and dawdling.

6. Editor's summary:

In this article, we have discussed five words that are commonly used in English language and their meanings, pronunciations, usage examples, synonyms and editor's summary.

These words are:

1. Melancholy - a feeling of deep sadness or sorrow

2. Serendipity - the occurrence of events by chance in a happy way

3. Resilience - the ability to recover quickly from difficulties

4. Altruism - selfless concern for others' well-being

5. Procrastination - the act of delaying or postponing something

We have also provided synonyms for each word and highlighted their usage in sentences to help readers better understand their meanings. These words cover a range of emotions and characteristics, from sadness to positivity, strength to selflessness. It is important to expand our vocabulary and understand the nuances of language, and these words can help us do just that.


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