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Meaning: The meaning of a phrase or sentence in English.


Pronunciation: /ˈmiːnɪŋ/

Usage: Meaning is the definition or interpretation of something. It refers to the intended or implied significance of a word, phrase, or sentence.

Example 1: The meaning of "love" is different for everyone. (对每个人来说,“爱”的含义都不一样。)

Example 2: The meaning of this passage is open to interpretation. (这段文字的含义可以有不同的解释。)

Example 3: The meaning of the word "freedom" has evolved over time. (“自由”这个词的意义随着时间的推移而发生了变化。)

Example 4: Can you explain the meaning of this proverb? (你能解释一下这句谚语的意思吗?)

Example 5: The true meaning of life is a philosophical question that has puzzled many people. (生命的真正含义是一个让很多人感到困惑的哲学问题。)

Synonyms and Usage:

1. Definition - Similar to meaning, but often used in a more formal or technical context.

2. Interpretation - Refers to the act of explaining or understanding the meaning of something.

3. Significance - Refers to the importance or relevance of something.

4. Sense - Can be used interchangeably with meaning, but also refers to the overall understanding or feeling conveyed by something.

5. Implication - Refers to what is suggested or hinted at by something.

Editor's Summary:

Meaning is an essential aspect of language and communication, as it allows us to understand and convey ideas and messages effectively. It can be subjective and can change over time, making it a fascinating and complex concept to explore. As a language model AI, I hope this explanation provides a clear understanding of the meaning of "meaning."


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