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Meaning: To express something in English.


Pronunciation: /saɪ juː ɪŋˈɡlɪʃ səˈkeɪ/

Usage: This phrase is used when someone wants to know how to express a certain idea or concept in English.

Example Sentences:

1. Can you help me with how to say "thank you" in English? - 你能帮我说一下“谢谢”用英语怎么说吗?

2. I'm having trouble finding the right words, can you tell me how to say it in English? - 我找不到合适的词,你能告诉我用英语怎么说吗?

3. He asked me how to say "I love you" in English. - 他问我“我爱你”用英语怎么说。

4. The teacher taught us how to say our names in English. - 老师教我们用英语怎么说我们的名字。

5. She's trying to figure out how to say "I'm sorry" in English. - 她在想怎么用英语说“对不起”。

Synonyms and Usage:

1. Express in English: This phrase has the same meaning as "say something in English".

2. Phrase in English: This synonym emphasizes that the thing being said is a specific phrase or expression.

3. Speak in English: This synonym can also be used when someone wants to know how to pronounce a word or phrase correctly.

4. Communicate in English: This synonym has a broader meaning and can refer to any form of communication, not just speaking.

5. Convey in English: This synonym focuses on the act of conveying a message or idea in English.

Editor's Summary:

"说用英语怎么说" is a common phrase used when someone wants to know how to express something in English. It can be used in various situations, such as when learning a new language or trying to communicate with someone who speaks English. Some synonyms for this phrase include "express in English", "phrase in English", and "speak in English". It is important to note that this phrase can also be used when someone wants to know how to pronounce a word or phrase correctly.


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