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Translation Dictionary


/træns'leɪʃən dɪkʃənri/



Translation Dictionary, also known as a translation reference, is a specialized dictionary that provides translations of words or phrases from one language to another. It is an essential tool for language learners, translators, and anyone who needs to communicate in multiple languages.


1. I always use a translation dictionary when I travel to foreign countries. 我出国旅行时总是使用翻译词典。

2. Can you look up the Chinese word for "hello" in the translation dictionary? 你能在翻译词典里查一下“你好”的中文吗?

3. This translation dictionary contains over 50,000 entries from English to Spanish. 这本翻译词典包含从英语到西班牙语的超过5万个条目。

4. The online version of the translation dictionary is more convenient and frequently updated than the printed version. 在线版的翻译词典比印刷版更方便,而且更新频率更高。

5. As a professional translator, I rely heavily on my translation dictionary to ensure accurate translations. 作为一名专业的翻译人员,我非常依赖我的翻译词典来确保准确的翻译。


1. Bilingual Dictionary: A type of translation dictionary that provides translations between two languages.

2. Multilingual Dictionary: A type of translation dictionary that provides translations between multiple languages.

3. Thesaurus: A reference book that provides synonyms and antonyms for words.

4. Glossary: A list of specialized or technical terms with their definitions, often found at the end of a book.

5. Lexicon: A dictionary or vocabulary of a particular language, dialect, or subject.


Translation Dictionary is an essential tool for language learners and translators. It provides translations from one language to another and helps to bridge the communication gap between different languages. With the advancement of technology, online translation dictionaries have become more popular due to their convenience and frequent updates. As a professional translator, having a reliable translation dictionary is crucial for ensuring accurate translations. Other similar reference books such as bilingual dictionaries, multilingual dictionaries, thesauruses, glossaries, and lexicons can also be useful resources for language learning and translation work.


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