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Word: Adversity

Pronunciation: /ədˈvɜːsəti/

Meaning: A difficult or unpleasant situation, challenge, or setback.


Usage: Adversity is often used to describe a difficult or challenging situation that one must face. It can refer to personal struggles, obstacles in achieving a goal, or even natural disasters.

Example 1: The team faced many adversities during the championship game, but they never gave up and ended up winning.


Example 2: Despite facing financial adversity, she managed to build a successful business from scratch.


Example 3: The country has been through many adversities in the past, but its people have always persevered and overcome them.


Example 4: Dealing with adversity can be tough, but it often leads to personal growth and resilience.


Example 5: He faced much adversity in his life, but he never let it defeat him and always came out stronger.


Synonyms: Difficulty, hardship, challenge, setback, obstacle, trouble.


Usage: These synonyms can be used interchangeably with adversity to describe a difficult situation or challenge.


Editor's summary:


Adversity is a noun that refers to a difficult or unpleasant situation. It is often used to describe personal struggles or challenges in achieving a goal. The word can also be used to refer to obstacles or setbacks that one must overcome. Its synonyms include difficulty, hardship, and challenge. Adversity can lead to personal growth and resilience when faced with determination and perseverance.


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