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1. 誓死不降的英文意思:

The English meaning of "誓死不降" is "never surrender".

2. 怎么读(音标):


Pronunciation: shì sǐ bù jiàng

3. 用法:

"誓死不降" is a phrase that is often used to express one's determination and resolve to never give up or surrender, no matter what the circumstances may be.

4. 例句1-5句且中英对照:

1) 我们必须誓死不降,继续战斗到最后一刻。

We must never surrender and continue to fight until the very end.

2) 即使遇到困难,我们也要誓死不降。

Even in the face of difficulties, we must never surrender.

3) 这个的人民曾经誓死不降,最终取得了胜利。

The people of this country once swore to never surrender and eventually achieved victory.

4) 我们的已经遭受了重大损失,但是我们仍然要誓死不降。

Our army has suffered heavy losses, but we still refuse to surrender.

5) 虽然面临着巨大的压力,但是我们仍然保持着誓死不降的态度。

Despite facing immense pressure, we still maintain our attitude of never surrendering.

5. 同义词及用法:

- 不屈服 (bù qū fú): not yield or give in

- 坚持到底 (jiān chí dào dǐ): persist until the end

- 不退缩 (bù tuì suō): not retreat or back down

6. 编辑总结:

"誓死不降" is a powerful phrase that conveys determination and unwavering resolve. It is often used in situations where one is facing challenges or difficulties, and serves as a reminder to never give up. This phrase can be used in various contexts, such as in personal struggles, battles, or even as a national motto. It is also important to note that "誓死不降" should not be taken literally, but rather as a metaphor for perseverance and resilience.


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