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Wordy Translation

Pronunciation: /ˈwɜːdi/

Usage: Wordy translation refers to the act of using excessive or unnecessary words in a translation, making it longer and more complicated than necessary. It can also refer to translations that are overly literal and do not accurately convey the intended meaning.


Example Sentences:

1. The wordy translation of this sentence made it difficult for me to understand the true meaning.


2. The translator's wordy translation of the novel took away from its original charm.


3. In order to avoid a wordy translation, it is important to understand the context and intended meaning of the original text.


4. The wordy translation of this poem failed to capture its beauty and simplicity.


5. The translator's wordy translation caused confusion among the readers.


Synonyms and Usage:

1. Verbose translation: Similar to wordy translation, this refers to translations that are overly long and use unnecessary words.

2. Literal translation: This refers to translations that are word-for-word and do not consider the context or intended meaning of the original text.

3. Flowery translation: This refers to translations that are overly embellished with flowery language, making them difficult to understand.

4. Concise translation: The opposite of wordy translation, this refers to translations that are brief and to the point, conveying the intended meaning accurately.

5. Accurate translation: This refers to translations that are faithful to the original text and convey the intended meaning accurately.

Editor's Summary:

Wordy translation can be a hindrance in accurately conveying the intended meaning of a text. It is important for translators to understand the context and intended meaning of the original text in order to avoid excessive and unnecessary words in their translations. Using concise and accurate language is crucial in producing high-quality translations.


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