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The phrase "言归于好的英文" is a Chinese expression that means "words to return to good English". It refers to the act of reconciling or making peace through communication and understanding.


yán guī yú hǎo de yīng wén



"言归于好的英文" is typically used in a positive context, often in discussions about resolving conflicts or disagreements. It can also be used as a reminder to communicate effectively and find common ground in difficult situations.


1. 我们需要以言归于好的英文来解决这个问题。

We need to use words to return to good English to solve this problem.

2. 他们最终通过以言归于好的英文来结束了长期的争论。

They finally ended their long-standing argument by using words to return to good English.

3. 我们应该学会以言归于好的英文,而不是用解决问题。

We should learn to use words to return to good English instead of resorting to violence to solve problems.

4. 当两个人都能够以言归于好的英文,关系就会变得更加和谐。

When two people are able to use words to return to good English, their relationship becomes more harmonious.

5. 作为领导者,你应该教导员工如何以言归于好的英文,而不是让他们陷入无休止的争吵。

As a leader, you should teach your employees how to use words to return to good English instead of letting them get caught in endless arguments.


- 和解 (hé jiě) - reconciliation; to make peace

- 化解 (huà jiě) - to resolve; to defuse

- 协商 (xié shāng) - consultation; negotiation

- 沟通 (gōu tōng) - communication; to communicate


"言归于好的英文" is a powerful phrase that emphasizes the importance of effective communication and understanding in resolving conflicts and maintaining harmonious relationships. It reminds us that words have the power to bring people together and find common ground, rather than cause further division. As language professionals, it is our responsibility to promote the use of words for reconciliation and peace.


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