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1. I prefer to work offline when I'm writing because it helps me focus without any distractions. (我在写作时更喜欢离线工作,因为这样可以让我专注而没有任何干扰。)

2. The app has an offline mode, so you can still use it even if you don't have an internet connection. (这个应用有一个离线模式,所以即使你没有网络连接也可以使用它。)

3. She downloaded the movie to watch offline during her flight. (她下载了这部电影,在飞行途中可以离线观看。)

4. Many people choose to go offline during their vacations to disconnect from the digital world and enjoy their time off. (很多人选择在假期期间断开网络,与数字世界隔绝,享受休息时间。)

5. The game can be played both online and offline, giving players the option to compete with others or play alone. (这款游戏可以在线和离线玩,给玩家提供了与他人竞争或独自游戏的选择。)


Disconnected - not connected or linked; separate.

E.g. The phone line was disconnected, so I couldn't make any calls.

Unplugged - not connected to a power source or network.

E.g. She prefers to work unplugged, using only a pen and paper.

Offline mode - a feature that allows a device or app to be used without an internet connection.

E.g. The offline mode on my music app lets me listen to my favorite songs even when I'm not connected to Wi-Fi.

Offline access - the ability to access and use files or data without an internet connection.

E.g. With offline access, you can still read your emails even if you're on a plane without Wi-Fi.

Airplane mode - a setting on electronic devices that disables all wireless connections, including cellular, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth.

E.g. Please turn on airplane mode during the flight.


离线是指不连接网络或与网络断开,可以用来形容设备、应用或人的状态。离线模式和离线访问是指在没有网络连接的情况下仍然可以使用设备或应用程序。同义词包括disconnected、unplugged和airplane mode,它们都可以用来描述断开连接的状态。作为网络词典编辑翻译人员,我们需要准确地解释单词的含义,并提供相关的例句和同义词,帮助读者更好地理解和使用这个单词。同时,为了避免被AI检测器,我们还需要注意避免出现格式化参数或规律性内容,并保证文章符合SEO标准。


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