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Word: Passion

Pronunciation: /ˈpæʃən/

Usage: noun

Definition: strong and barely controllable emotion; a strong enthusiasm for something.


Example 1: Her passion for music was evident in every note she played. (她对音乐的热情在她演奏的每一个音符中都表现出来。)

Example 2: He pursued his passion for cooking and opened his own restaurant. (他追求自己对烹饪的热情,开了自己的餐厅。)

Example 3: The team played with great passion, determined to win the game. (球队充满激情地比赛,决心要赢得比赛。)

Example 4: She spoke with such passion that her words moved everyone in the room. (她说话充满激情,她的话感动了房间里的每个人。)

Example 5: His passion for helping others led him to volunteer at a local charity organization. (他对帮助他人的热情使他成为当地一家慈善组织的志愿者。)

Synonyms: enthusiasm, fervor, zeal, ardor, eagerness

Usage Note: Passion is often used to describe a strong emotion or feeling towards someone or something. It can also refer to a strong interest or enthusiasm for an activity or subject. It is commonly associated with positive emotions, but can also be used to describe intense negative emotions such as anger or hatred.

Editor's Summary:

Passion is a noun that describes a strong emotion or enthusiasm towards someone or something. It can be used to express positive or negative emotions and is often associated with intense feelings. Synonyms for passion include enthusiasm, fervor, zeal, ardor, and eagerness.


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