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The meaning of "暗想用英语怎么说" is to secretly think about how to say something in English.


Pronunciation: /ˈændsaɪk juː ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ ˈhaʊ tu ˈseɪ/


"暗想用英语怎么说" is usually used when someone wants to express their thoughts or ideas in English, but they are not sure how to say it. It can also be used when someone wants to practice speaking in English by trying to translate their thoughts into the language.


1. 我经常在脑海中暗想用英语怎么说这些话。

I often think in my head about how to say these words in English.

2. 当我遇到难以翻译的词汇时,我会暗想用英语怎么说它们。

When I come across difficult words to translate, I will think about how to say them in English.

3. 在学习英语时,我会经常暗想用英语怎么说我的想法。

When learning English, I often think about how to express my thoughts in the language.

4. 我不太擅长讲英语,所以每次要发言前都会先在心里暗想用英语怎么说。

I'm not very good at speaking English, so before I speak, I always think about how to say it in my head.

5. 当我想要表达一些复杂的想法时,我会暗想用英语怎么说,这有助于提高我的英语水平。

When I want to express complex ideas, I will think about how to say it in English, which helps improve my language skills.


1. 暗地里想 - secretly think

2. 默想 - meditate/think silently

3. 内心默念 - silently recite in one's mind

4. 沉思 - contemplate/think deeply

5. 思考如何表达 - think about how to express




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