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1. 日日会的意思是每天都会发生或重复的事情。


2. 发音:rì rì huì (rì:日,huì:会)

3. 用法:作为名词使用,表示某件事情每天都会发生或重复。也可以作为动词使用,表示每天都要做某件事情。

4. 例句:

1) 每天早上起床后,我都要做的第一件事就是喝一杯温水,这已经成为了我的日日会。

Every morning after I wake up, the first thing I do is drink a glass of warm water, it has become my daily routine.

2) 她每天都会在晚饭后散步,这已经成为了她的日日会。

She takes a walk after dinner every day, it has become her daily routine.

3) 我们公司的员工必须每天按时打卡上班,这是我们的日日会。

The employees in our company have to clock in to work on time every day, it is our daily routine.

4) 我们家附近有一家便利店,我每天都会去买早餐,这已经成为了我的日日会。

There is a convenience store near our house, I go there every day to buy breakfast, it has become my daily routine.

5) 这个小镇上每天都有傍晚市场,那里的人们已经习惯了这个日日会。

There is an evening market in this town every day, the people there have become accustomed to this daily routine.

5. 同义词及用法:每日必做、每天必做、日常习惯、日常工作、日常任务等。

6. 编辑总结:日日会是指每天都会发生或重复的事情,可以用作名词或动词,同义词有每日必做、每天必做等。


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