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Word: Accurate


Pronunciation: /ˈækjərət/

Usage: Adjective

Meaning: Correct, precise or exact.

Example 1:

English: She gave an accurate description of the events.

Chinese: 她对的描述非常准确。

Example 2:

English: The doctor's diagnosis was accurate.

Chinese: 医生的诊断是准确的。

Example 3:

English: The map is not accurate, it's missing some important details.

Chinese: 这张地图不准确,缺少一些重要的细节。

Synonyms and Usage:

1. Precise - used to emphasize that something is very exact or accurate.

2. Correct - free from error or fault; in accordance with fact or truth.

3. Exact - strictly and completely in accord with fact; not deviating from the truth.

4. True - in accordance with fact or reality; not false or erroneous.

5. Right - correct in judgment, opinion, or action.

Editor's Summary:

Accurate is an adjective used to describe something that is correct, precise or exact. It can be used to describe information, measurements, descriptions and more. Synonyms for accurate include precise, correct, exact, true and right. Remember to use this word when you want to emphasize the correctness of something.


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