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1. aroundthecorner是什么意思?的解释:


2. aroundthecorner是什么意思?读音读法:

aroundthecorner的读音为/əˈraʊnd ðə kɔːrnər/,其中第一个单词around为弱读,重音在第二个单词the上。发音时应注意将the连读成/də/。

3. aroundthecorner是什么意思?的用例:

例句1:The grocery store is just around the corner, you can walk there in 5 minutes.


例句2:I heard there's a new restaurant opening around the corner next week.


例句3:The park is just around the corner, we can have a picnic there.


例句4:I'll meet you at the coffee shop around the corner at 3 o'clock.


例句5:The solution to our problem might be just around the corner, we shouldn't give up.


4. aroundthecorner是什么意思?组词:

- around:在周围,大约

- the:定冠词

- corner:拐角,角落

- round:环绕,转一圈

- turn:转弯,转身

- nearby:附近的

- close:靠近的,密切的

- proximity:邻近,接近

5. aroundthecorner是什么意思?的中英文对照:


英文:around the corner/nearby



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