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Meaning: This is an article about how to write a dictionary definition. As a web dictionary editor and translator, your task is to provide instructions on how to say a word or sentence in English. The content must include: 1) the meaning of "how to say" in English; 2) pronunciation guide; 3) usage; 4) 1-5 example sentences in both Chinese and English; 5) synonyms and usage; 6) editor's summary. Please make sure to follow the given format and also meet SEO standards, so as to avoid detection by AI.


How to Say (Pronunciation Guide): In this section, you will learn how to pronounce the word or sentence correctly. The pronunciation guide includes the phonetic transcription (using IPA symbols), as well as an audio clip for reference.

Usage: This section provides information on how the word or sentence should be used in different contexts. It may include grammatical rules, collocations, idiomatic expressions, etc.

Example Sentences:

1. Chinese: 我今天很忙,没时间做饭了。

English: I'm really busy today, I don't have time to cook.

2. Chinese: 这本书很有趣,我已经读了三遍了。

English: This book is very interesting, I've already read it three times.

3. Chinese: 她的英文发音很标准,听起来像是美国人。

English: Her English pronunciation is very accurate, she sounds like an American.

4. Chinese: 我们需要更多的证据来支持这个理论。

English: We need more evidence to support this theory.

5. Chinese: 这个词在不同的语境中有不同的含义。

English: This word has different meanings in different contexts.

Synonyms and Usage: In this section, you can provide synonyms for the word or sentence, as well as explain how they are used differently. This can help readers understand the nuances of the word or sentence and expand their vocabulary.

Editor's Summary: Finally, you can summarize the key points of the definition, highlight any important information, and provide additional tips or suggestions for using the word or sentence correctly.

In conclusion, as a web dictionary editor and translator, your role is crucial in providing accurate and helpful definitions for words and sentences. By following the given format and meeting SEO standards, you can ensure that your content is not only informative but also optimized for search engines. Keep in mind that your goal is to assist readers in understanding how to say a word or sentence in English, so make sure to provide clear explanations and relevant examples.


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