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pick and choose


[pɪk ænd tʃuːz]


pick and choose是一个英语短语,意思是挑选、挑剔或者精挑细选。它通常用来形容某人对事物要求很高,只挑选自己认为最好的。



1. She spent hours at the store, picking and choosing the perfect dress for her prom. 她在商店里花了几个小时,挑选出最完美的晚礼服。

2. The restaurant offers a wide variety of dishes, so you can pick and choose according to your taste. 这家餐厅提供多种菜肴,你可以根据自己的口味挑选。

3. As a manager, it's important to pick and choose your battles wisely in order to maintain a harmonious team. 作为一名经理,明智地选择战斗是保持团队和谐的重要因素。

4. He is very picky when it comes to food, always picking and choosing only the best ingredients for his meals. 当谈到食物时,他非常挑剔,总是只选择最好的食材来做饭。

5. The company is now in a position where they can pick and choose their clients, as they have become very successful in their industry. 这家公司现在处于可以自由选择客户的位置,因为他们在行业内取得了巨大的成功。


1. cherry-pick: 挑选最好的部分,也可以指挑选最容易做的事情。:He always cherry-picks the easiest tasks to do.

2. select: 挑选、选择。:She carefully selected a few books from the library.

3. be choosy: 挑剔、挑剔。:She is very choosy when it comes to clothes.

4. be particular: 挑剔、讲究。:He is very particular about the quality of his food.

5. discriminate: 歧视、挑剔。:We should not discriminate against people based on their appearance.


pick and choose是一个常用的英语短语,用来形容某人对事物要求很高,只挑选自己认为最好的。它可以用来描述任何领域,包括购物、饮食、工作等。除了pick and choose外,还有许多同义词可以替代使用,但每个词都有自己独特的用法和含义。在使用时要根据具体情况选择合适的词汇来表达自己想要表达的意思。


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