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1. without advance planning or intention; by chance


1. 没有提前计划或意图;偶然地

2. By accidentally clicking on the wrong link, I ended up on a website with all of my favorite products.

2. 由于意外点击了错误的链接,我最终进入了一个拥有我所有喜爱产品的网站。

3. by mistake; unintentionally

3. 错误地;无意地

4. She accidentally spilled her drink all over her friend's shirt.

4. 她无心地把饮料溅到了她朋友的衬衫上。

5. in a way that is not expected or intended

5. 以一种出乎意料或不打算的方式

6. The comedian accidentally made a joke that offended some members of the audience.

6. 这位喜剧演员无意中讲了一个冒犯部分观众的笑话。

7. unintentionally; without being planned or intended

7. 非故意地;未经计划或打算地

8. He accidentally hit his head on the low ceiling while standing up.

8. 他站起来时不小心撞到了低矮的天花板。

9.synonyms: inadvertently, unintentionally, unexpectedly, fortuitously, coincidentally

9. 同义词:无意中,非故意地,出乎意料地,偶然地,巧合地

Editor's Summary:


Accidentally is an adverb that describes something happening by chance or without intention. It can also mean making a mistake or doing something in an unexpected way. It is often used in situations where something happens unexpectedly or unintentionally. Some synonyms for accidentally include inadvertently, unintentionally, and unexpectedly.


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