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1. Meaning of "Resilience"

Pronunciation: /rɪˈzɪlɪəns/

Usage: Noun



Resilience refers to the ability to recover quickly from difficulties or challenges. It is the capacity to adapt and bounce back in the face of adversity, trauma, or stress.

Example Sentences:

1. After facing numerous setbacks, her resilience helped her to keep going and eventually achieve her goals.

2. The community's resilience was tested after the natural disaster, but they came together and rebuilt their homes and lives.

3. The company's resilience was evident as they quickly adapted to the changing market conditions and remained profitable.

4. His resilience was admired by his colleagues as he continued to work diligently despite facing personal struggles.

5. The athlete's resilience was on display as she overcame a career-threatening injury and returned stronger than ever.

Synonyms and Usage:

1. Endurance - Similar to resilience, it refers to the ability to withstand difficult situations without giving up.

2. Perseverance - Refers to determination and persistence in achieving one's goals despite obstacles or challenges.

3. Fortitude - Refers to strength of character in facing difficulties or pain.

4. Grit - Refers to courage and resolve in pursuing long-term goals despite setbacks or failures.

Editor's Summary:

Resilience is an important quality that allows individuals, communities, and organizations to overcome obstacles and thrive in the face of adversity. It is a crucial skill that can be developed through practice and can help individuals navigate through difficult times with strength and determination.


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