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The phrase "君子之交淡如水" is an ancient Chinese proverb that means the friendship between gentlemen is as light and pure as water. It emphasizes the idea of maintaining a simple and unassuming relationship with others, without any ulterior motives or selfish intentions.


[jūn zǐ zhī jiāo dàn rú shuǐ]


This phrase is usually used to describe a sincere and genuine friendship between respectable individuals. It can also be used to remind people to maintain a humble and modest attitude in their relationships with others.


1. 君子之交淡如水,却能滋润心灵。

The friendship between gentlemen is as light as water, yet it can nourish the soul.

2. 在这个浮躁的社会,我们更需要保持君子之交淡如水的心态。

In this fast-paced society, we need to maintain the attitude of "君子之交淡如水".

3. 我们应该学习君子之交淡如水,不要被利益驱使。

We should learn to have a friendship like gentlemen, without being driven by personal gain.

4. 君子之间的交往应该是平等、真诚、纯洁的,就像水一样自然流动。

The interaction between gentlemen should be equal, sincere, and pure, just like the natural flow of water.

5. 他们之间的友谊就像君子之交淡如水,没有任何矫饰。

Their friendship is like "君子之交淡如水", without any pretense.


1. 君子之交淡如水 - the friendship between gentlemen is as light as water

2. 同道之谊 - the friendship between like-minded individuals

3. 纯洁友谊 - pure friendship

4. 心灵相通 - soul connection

5. 坦诚相待 - treat each other with sincerity


"君子之交淡如水" is a beautiful and profound proverb that reminds us to value genuine and sincere relationships with others, rather than focusing on personal gain or superficial connections. It emphasizes the importance of humility, honesty, and equality in friendships, just like the natural flow of water. Let us all strive to be true gentlemen in our interactions with others.


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