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意思:指非常幽默,令人捧腹大笑的笑话。 怎么读(音标):[smɑːkər] 用法:形容词,用来形容非常有趣、搞笑的事物。 例句1-5句且中英对照: 1. That stand-up comedian always tells such smackers, he never fails to make the audience burst into laughter.(那个喜剧演员总是讲一些非常幽默的笑话,他从观众失望。) 2. My friend always has a smacker up his sleeve, he can make me laugh even on my worst days.(我的朋友总是有一些幽默的东在袖子里,即使在我最糟糕的日子里也能让我笑。) 3. The TV show was full of smackers, I couldn't s laughing the whole time.(这个电视节目充满了幽默,我整个时间都笑个不停。) 4. The book is filled with smackers, it's a must-read for anyone who loves to laugh.(这本书充满了幽默,对于任何喜欢笑的人来说都是必读之作。) 5. My grandpa always tells the best smackers during family gatherings, we all love to listen to his jokes.(我的爷爷总是在家庭聚会时讲最好笑的故事,我们都喜欢听他讲笑话。) 同义词及用法: 1. Hilarious(adj.):非常滑稽的,令人捧腹大笑的。:The comedian's jokes were hilarious, the whole audience was in stitches.(那个喜剧演员的笑话非常滑稽,整个观众都忍不住捧腹大笑。) 2. Amusing(adj.):有趣的,令人发笑的。:The children's play was very amusing, the parents couldn't s laughing.(孩子们的表演非常有趣,家长们都忍不住笑个不停。) 3. Comical(adj.):滑稽可笑的。:The situation was so comical that I couldn't help but burst into laughter.(情况太滑稽了,我忍不住大笑起来。) 编辑总结: “smacker”是一个形容词,用来形容非常幽默、令人捧腹大笑的事物。它可以用来形容各种各样的东西,如电视节目、书籍、表演等等。同义词包括“hilarious”、“amusing”和“comical”,它们都可以用来形容类似的意思。如果你想要形容一件非常搞笑、令人捧腹大笑的事物,那么“smacker”就是一个很好的选择。



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