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1. Definition:


Intermediate English refers to the level of English proficiency that bridges the gap between basic and advanced levels. It is typically achieved by students in their middle or high school years.

2. Pronunciation:

/ˌɪntərˈmiːdiət ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ/

3. Usage:

Intermediate English is used to describe the level of language proficiency that allows students to understand and communicate in more complex situations. At this level, students are able to use a wider range of vocabulary, grammar structures, and expressions.

4. Examples:

1) He has been studying intermediate English for two years now.


2) The intermediate English class focuses on improving speaking and writing skills.


3) Students who have reached intermediate English should be able to understand news articles and hold conversations with native speakers.


4) The textbook for intermediate English covers a variety of ics such as culture, history, and current events.


5) After completing the intermediate English course, she was able to pass the TOEFL exam with a high score.


5. Synonyms and Usage:

- Pre-Intermediate: This term is sometimes used interchangeably with intermediate, but it usually refers to a slightly lower level of proficiency.

- Upper-Intermediate: This term refers to a higher level of proficiency than intermediate.

- Intermediate Level: This is another way to refer to the intermediate level of English proficiency.

- Intermediate Learner: This term describes a student who is at the intermediate level of English proficiency.

6. Editor's Summary:

Intermediate English is an important stage in language learning as it allows students to communicate in more complex situations and prepares them for advanced levels. It is crucial for students to build a strong foundation in intermediate English before moving on to more challenging levels.


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