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1. 初见成效的英文:Effective at first sight

2. 怎么读(音标):[ɪˈfektɪv ət fɜːst saɪt]


3. 用法:形容某件事或物在第一次接触时就能产生明显的效果。

4. 例句:

- His new marketing strategy proved to be effective at first sight, increasing sales by 20% in just one week. (他的新营销策略初见成效,仅一周时间就使销售额增加了20%。)

- The medicine was effective at first sight, relieving my headache within minutes. (这种药初见成效,几分钟内就缓解了我的头痛。)

- The new cleaning product is highly effective at first sight, removing stubborn stains effortlessly. (这种新的清洁产品初见成效,轻松去除顽固污渍。)

- The team's collaboration was effective at first sight, completing the project ahead of schedule. (团队的合作初见成效,提前完成了项目。)

- The new employee's skills were effective at first sight, impressing the manager and earning a promotion within a month. (新员工的技能初见成效,给经理留下了深刻印象,并在一个月内获得了晋升。)

5. 同义词及用法:

- Immediate: having an instant effect or result; happening or done without delay.

- Their immediate response to the crisis helped minimize the damage. (他们对危机的即时反应有助于最小化损失。)

- The new product had an immediate impact on the market, attracting a large number of customers. (这种新产品对市场产生了即时影响,吸引了大量顾客。)

- Instant: happening or coming immediately; without any delay.

- The new software provided instant results, making the process more efficient. (这种新软件提供了即时结果,使流程更加高效。)

- The medicine had an instant effect, relieving the patient's pain within seconds. (这种药有即时效果,几秒钟内就缓解了患者的疼痛。)

6. 编辑总结:初见成效是一个形容词短语,表示某事或物在第一次接触时就能产生明显的效果。它可以用来形容各种不同的情况,如营销策略、药物、产品、团队合作等等。同义词包括immediate和instant,它们都强调了立竿见影的效果。


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