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Meaning: The act of expressing or communicating in a way that is considerate and respectful of human emotions and needs.

Pronunciation: /ˌhjuːmənɪti ɪŋˈɡlɪʃ haʊ tu raɪt/


Usage: This phrase is typically used to describe the use of language that takes into account the feelings and sensitivities of others.

Example Sentences:

1. She always makes an effort to write her emails in a humanized English, carefully choosing her words to avoid causing offense.


2. The company's new customer service training program emphasizes the importance of using humanized English when interacting with clients.


3. It's important for teachers to use humanized English when giving feedback to students, as it can greatly impact their self-esteem and motivation.


4. The politician's speech was criticized for lacking humanity and using language that was not humanized enough.


5. In order to create a more inclusive workplace, the company has implemented a policy of using humanized English in all internal communications.


Synonyms and Usage:

1. Sensitive language - This phrase can be used interchangeably with humanized English to describe the use of language that is considerate of others' feelings.

2. Inclusive language - Similar to humanized English, this term refers to the use of language that is respectful and inclusive of all individuals.

3. Empathetic communication - This phrase emphasizes the importance of understanding and acknowledging others' emotions in communication.

4. Mindful language - This term refers to the use of language that is thoughtful and mindful of its impact on others.

5. Respectful communication - This phrase can be used to describe any form of communication that is considerate and respectful towards others.

Editor's Note:

In today's diverse and interconnected world, it is important for individuals to communicate in a way that shows empathy, inclusivity, and respect towards others. Using humanized English not only helps avoid misunderstandings and conflicts, but also promotes a more harmonious and understanding society. As such, it is essential for us to constantly strive towards improving our use of language in order to better connect with those around us.


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