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1. Personable (adjective) /ˈpɜːsənəb(ə)l/


Meaning: Having an attractive and friendly personality that makes people feel comfortable and at ease.

Usage: This word is often used to describe someone who is easy to talk to and has a warm and welcoming demeanor.

Example sentence 1: She is a personable teacher who always greets her students with a smile.


Example sentence 2: The new employee was very personable, making it easy for her to fit in with the team.


Synonyms: Amiable, friendly, affable, genial.

Editor's note: This word can also be used in a professional setting, such as describing someone who is good at building relationships with clients or colleagues.

2. Empathetic (adjective) /ɛmˈpaθɛtɪk/

Meaning: Showing an understanding and sensitivity towards other people's emotions and experiences.

Usage: This word is often used to describe someone who is able to put themselves in another person's shoes and understand their feelings.

Example sentence 1: She is an empathetic listener, always taking the time to understand her friends' problems.


Example sentence 2: The therapist was empathetic towards her patient's struggles and offered support without judgement.


Synonyms: Compassionate, understanding, caring, sympathetic.

Editor's note: This word is often used in the context of emotional intelligence and being able to connect with others on a deeper level.

3. Adaptable (adjective) /əˈdæptəbl/

Meaning: Able to adjust and change according to different situations or circumstances.

Usage: This word is often used to describe someone who can easily adapt to new environments or challenges.

Example sentence 1: She is an adaptable employee who can handle any task given to her.


Example sentence 2: The team was adaptable and quickly changed their strategy when faced with unexpected obstacles.


Synonyms: Flexible, versatile, adjustable, open-minded.

Editor's note: This word can also be used in the context of personal growth and being able to adapt to changes in one's life.

4. Resilient (adjective) /rɪˈzɪlɪənt/

Meaning: Able to recover quickly from difficult situations or setbacks.

Usage: This word is often used to describe someone who is strong and able to bounce back from challenges.

Example sentence 1: Despite facing many hardships, she remained resilient and never gave up on her dreams.


Example sentence 2: The company showed resilience during the economic downturn and was able to bounce back stronger.


Synonyms: Strong, tough, durable, tenacious.

Editor's note: This word is often used in the context of overcoming challenges and being able to persevere through difficult times.

5. Authentic (adjective) /ɔːˈθɛntɪk/

Meaning: Genuine and true to oneself or one's beliefs.

Usage: This word is often used to describe someone who is sincere and true to their values.

Example sentence 1: She is an authentic leader who always stays true to her principles.


Example sentence 2: The artist's work was praised for its authenticity and unique perspective.


Synonyms: Genuine, real, true, honest.

Editor's note: This word can also be used in the context of being genuine in relationships and interactions with others.

In conclusion, these five words all describe positive qualities that we admire in people. Whether it's being personable, empathetic, adaptable, resilient or authentic, these traits make someone more relatable and likable. In a world where we often feel disconnected, it's important to cultivate these qualities and strive to be more human in our interactions with others.


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