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1. training是指经过的学习和指导,使个人或团体在某一领域或技能上获得知识和技能的过程。:The company provides regular training to its employees to improve their skills.(公司定期为员工提供培训,提高他们的技能。)

2. training的读音为['treɪnɪŋ],重音在第一个音节。

3. training可以用作名词或动词。作为名词时,意为“培训;训练”。:The new recruits will undergo a two-week training before starting their job.(新将在开始工作前接受为期两周的训练。)作为动词时,意为“训练;培养”。:The coach is responsible for training the team for the upcoming match.(教练负责训练球队准备即将到来的比赛。)

4. 例句:

1) The company offers a variety of training programs for its employees, including leadership development, communication skills, and time management.(公司为员工提供各种培训计划,包括领导力发展、沟通技巧和时间管理等。)

2) The new teacher underwent a one-month training to familiarize herself with the school's curriculum and teaching methods.(新老师接受了一个月的培训,熟悉学校的课程和教学方法。)

3) The training session was very interactive and engaging, with hands-on activities and group discussions.(培训课程非常互动和吸引人,包括实践活动和小组讨论。)

4) The police officers undergo rigorous training to prepare for any emergency situations.(接受严格的训练,为应对任何紧急情况做好准备。)

5) The company invested a lot of resources in employee training, which resulted in improved productivity and efficiency.(公司投入了大量资源用于员工培训,从而提高了生产力和效率。)

5. 组词:

1) on-the-job training:在职培训

2) vocational training:职业培训

3) physical training:体能训练

4) language training:语言培训

5) sales training:销售技巧培训



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