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The meaning of "事实上用英语怎么说" is "how to say in English in fact".


How to pronounce: shì shí shàng yòng yīng yǔ zěn me shuō



"事实上用英语怎么说" is a phrase commonly used when trying to express something in a more accurate or factual way in English.


1. 事实上用英语怎么说这个词呢?(What's the English word for this in fact?)

2. 我们需要在报告中使用更准确的词汇,事实上用英语怎么说?(We need to use more precise vocabulary in our report, how do we say it in English?)

3. 这个概念在中文里难以表达,但是事实上用英语怎么说就很简单了。(This concept is difficult to express in Chinese, but it's actually quite simple to say it in English.)

4. 他们之间的关系并不是那么简单,事实上用英语怎么说就是“复杂”。(Their relationship isn't as simple as it seems, the word for it in fact is "complicated".)

5. 有时候我们需要避免使用太多的俗语,事实上用英语怎么说更有礼貌。(Sometimes we need to avoid using too many idioms, it's actually more polite to say it in English.)


1. 实际上用英语怎么说 (shí jì shàng yòng yīng yǔ zěn me shuō) - another way to express the same meaning, but with a slightly different emphasis on "actually" instead of "in fact".

2. 确切地用英语怎么说 (què qiè de yòng yīng yǔ zěn me shuō) - a more precise way of saying something in English.

3. 准确地用英语怎么说 (zhǔn què de yòng yīng yǔ zěn me shuō) - similar to the previous one, but with a focus on accuracy instead of precision.

4. 更精确地用英语怎么说 (gēng jīng què de yòng yīng yǔ zěn me shuō) - emphasizing the need for a more accurate word or phrase in English.

5. 更合适的英文表达是什么 (gēng hé shì de yīng wén biǎo dá shì shén me) - asking for a more suitable or appropriate English expression.


In summary, "事实上用英语怎么说" is a useful phrase when trying to express something in a more accurate or factual way in English. It can be used in various situations, such as when discussing language differences or trying to be more precise in communication. Other similar phrases can also be used depending on the context and desired emphasis. As an editor, it's important to choose the most appropriate and effective way to convey the intended meaning in English.


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