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The English name of the red-crowned crane is Grus japonensis.





Red-crowned crane, also known as Japanese crane or Manchurian crane, is a large and beautiful bird that is native to East Asia. It is a symbol of longevity, fidelity and good fortune in many Asian cultures. The red-crowned crane is also the second rarest species of crane in the world, with only about 2,750 individuals left in the wild.


1. The red-crowned crane is considered a sacred bird in Japan and has been designated as a Special Natural Monument.


2. The red-crowned crane has a white body with black wingtips and tail feathers, and a distinctive red patch on its crown.


3. These majestic birds perform elaborate courtship dances during breeding season.


4. Red-crowned cranes are omnivores and their diet consists of plants, insects, fish and small animals.


5. The red-crowned crane is facing threats from habitat loss, poaching and collisions with power lines.



1. Japanese crane: This is another common name for the red-crowned crane, as it is native to Japan.

2. Manchurian crane: This name is derived from the region of Manchuria in China, where the red-crowned crane is also found.

3. Grus japonensis: This is the scientific name for the red-crowned crane, which comes from its genus (Grus) and species (japonensis).

4. Endangered species: The red-crowned crane is classified as an endangered species due to its declining population and threats to its survival.

5. Conservation efforts: Various conservation efforts are being made to protect the red-crowned crane, such as habitat restoration, anti-poaching measures and public education.


In summary, the red-crowned crane (Grus japonensis) is a large and beautiful bird that is native to East Asia and holds cultural significance in many Asian societies. It has a distinctive appearance with a white body, black wingtips and tail feathers, and a red patch on its crown. Unfortunately, this magnificent bird is facing threats from habitat loss and human activities, making it an endangered species. As such, conservation efforts are crucial in ensuring the survival of this iconic bird for future generations to appreciate.


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