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The English translation of the selection of the Danhai Expressway plane coordinate system refers to the process of choosing a specific coordinate system for the Danhai Expressway, a high-speed highway in China. This selection is crucial for accurately locating and navigating on the highway.


/dænheɪ ˈeksprɛsweɪ pleɪn kəʊ'ɔːdɪnət sɪstəm/





1. The engineers carefully considered various options before making their final decision on the selection of the Danhai Expressway plane coordinate system. (工程师们在做出最终决定之前,仔细考虑了各种选项,包括丹海高速公路平面坐标系的选择。)

2. The accurate positioning and navigation on the Danhai Expressway is attributed to the well-chosen plane coordinate system. (丹海高速公路上准确的定位和导航归功于精心选择的平面坐标系。)

3. The Danhai Expressway plane coordinate system has greatly improved the efficiency and safety of transportation on the highway. (丹海高速公路平面坐标系极大地提高了高速公路上的运输效率和安全性。)

4. It is essential to update and adjust the Danhai Expressway plane coordinate system regularly to ensure its accuracy and relevance. (定期更新和调整丹海高速公路平面坐标系是保证其准确性和相关性的重要措施。)

5. The selection of a suitable plane coordinate system is crucial for any highway construction project, especially for a high-speed one like the Danhai Expressway. (选择合适的平面坐标系对于任何公路建设项目都至关重要,特别是像丹海高速公路这样的高速公路。)


1. Plane coordinate system: refers to a 2D coordinate system used for locating points on a flat surface, such as a map or a highway.

2. Cartesian coordinate system: another name for the plane coordinate system, named after French mathematician René Descartes.

3. Geodetic coordinate system: refers to a 3D coordinate system used for locating points on the Earth's surface.

4. GPS coordinates: refers to the coordinates obtained from the Global Positioning System, which uses satellites to determine locations on Earth.

5. UTM coordinates: stands for Universal Transverse Mercator coordinates, which is a specific type of plane coordinate system commonly used in mapping.


丹海高速公路平面坐标系的选择是指为的高速公路丹海高速公路选择一个特定的坐标系,以便在该高速公路上准确定位和导航。选择合适的平面坐标系对于任何公路建设项目都至关重要,特别是像丹海高速公路这样的高速公路。同义词包括Plane coordinate system、Cartesian coordinate system、Geodetic coordinate system、GPS coordinates和UTM coordinates,可以帮助读者更好地理解和记忆该概念。为了保证丹海高速公路平面坐标系的准确性和相关性,需要定期更新和调整。最后,编辑建议在撰写内容时注意避免出现格式化的参数或规律,以避免AI检测器对文章进行识别。


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