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to jeer or shout at a player,speaker,or team是什麼意思

一:to jeer or shout at a player,speaker,or team是指嘲笑或大声喊叫某个运动员、演讲者或团队的行为。

二:怎么读(音标):[tə dʒɪr ɔr ʃaʊt æt ə pleɪər,spiːkər,ɔː tiːm]

to jeer or shout at a player,speaker,or team是什麼意思



1. The fans started to jeer at the opposing team's star player after he missed a crucial shot.(当对方球队的明星球员错失关键一击后,球迷们开始嘲笑他。)

2. The speaker was constantly jeered and interrupted by the audience during his speech.(演讲者在发言过程中不断遭到观众的嘲笑和打断。)

3. The home team's supporters shouted insults and jeers at the visiting team throughout the game.(主场队的支持者在整场比赛中对客场队伍大声辱骂和嘲讽。)

4. The politician was jeered and booed by the crowd as he walked onto the stage.(这位家走上舞台时遭到人群的嘲笑和嘘声。)

5. The player was jeered at by his own teammates after making a costly mistake in the game.(这位球员在比赛中犯下了一个昂贵的错误,被自己的队友嘲笑。)


1. Mock or taunt:也可以用来表示嘲笑或讽刺某人或某团队。

2. Boo or hiss:也可以用来表示向某人或某团队发出嘘声。

3. Ridicule or deride:也可以用来表示对某人或某团队进行嘲弄或嘲笑。


to jeer or shout at a player,speaker,or team是一个常用于体育比赛和演讲等场合的短语,它描述了一种对某人或某团队进行嘲笑或大声喊叫的行为。除了以上提到的同义词外,还有其他一些类似的表达方式,如catcall、heckle、scoff等。使用这个短语时需要注意场合和语气,避免给他人带来不必要的伤害。


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