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To jeer or shout at a player, speaker, or team.是什么

To jeer or shout at a player, speaker, or team.是指在比赛、演讲或对话中嘲笑或大声喊叫某位选手、演讲者或团队的行为。


英 [dʒɪə(r)] 美 [dʒɪər]



To jeer or shout at a player, speaker, or team.是什么


1. The crowd began to jeer at the opposing team's mistakes. (观众开始嘲笑对方队的失误。)

2. The speaker was jeered off the stage after making a controversial statement. (在发表有争议的言论后,演讲者被嘲笑。)

3. The player was jeered by the fans for his poor performance in the game. (这位选手因在比赛中表现不佳而遭到球迷的嘲笑。)

4. The team captain tried to ignore the jeers from the opposing team's supporters. (队长试图忽略对方球迷的嘲笑。)

5. Despite the jeers and insults, the speaker remained calm and continued with their speech. (尽管遭到嘲笑和侮辱,演讲者仍保持冷静,并继续发表演讲。)


1. Mock: to make fun of someone or something in a cruel way.

例句:The students mocked the new teacher's accent. (学生们嘲笑新老师的口音。)

2. Taunt: to intentionally provoke or tease someone in a mocking or insulting way.

例句:The opposing team's fans taunted the home team's players throughout the game. (对方球迷在整场比赛中都在挑衅主队球员。)

3. Ridicule: to make fun of someone or something in a mocking and disrespectful manner.

例句:The politician was ridiculed by his opponents for his controversial policies. (这位家因其有争议的而遭到对手的嘲笑。)


To jeer or shout at a player, speaker, or team.是一个常用于描述观众或对手对某位选手、演讲者或团队的不满或嘲笑的短语。它可以用作动词,也可以用作名词。同义词包括mock、taunt和ridicule,它们都表示以嘲笑、挑衅或轻蔑的方式来对待某人或某事物。使用这个短语时,需要注意语气和情境,避免给人带来冒犯或不尊重的感觉。


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