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Thoughts about the Revisement for the Financial and


Thoughts about the Revisement for the Financial and

怎么读(音标):[θɔːts əˈbaʊt ðə rɪˈvaɪzmənt fɔːr ðə faɪˈnænʃəl ænd]


例句1:The financial and banking sector is constantly evolving, and it is important to have regular revisement to keep up with the changes.(金融和银行业务不断发展,需要定期修改以跟上变化。)

例句2:The revisement for the financial and aims to improve transparency and accountability in the banking system.(对金融和的修改旨在提高银行的透明度和责任制。)

例句3:The government has proposed a revisement for the financial and, which will have a significant impact on the stock market.(提出了对金融和的修改,这将对股市产生重大影响。)

例句4:As a financial advisor, it is important to stay updated on the latest revisement for the financial and in order to provide accurate advice to clients.(作为一名财务顾问,了解最新的金融和修改情况对于向客户提供准确建议至关重要。)

例句5:The revisement for the financial and has been met with mixed reactions from industry experts.(针对金融和的修改引起了业内专家的不同反应。)

同义词及用法:financial and可以替换为financial system、banking industry等,意思相同。



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