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fall back是什么意思?fall back的用法和例句

1. fall back是指向后退或者撤退的动作,也可以指回归到之前的状态或者位置。:The soldiers were forced to fall back after being ambushed by the enemy.(士们在遭遇敌人伏击后不得不向后撤退。)The stock market fell back to its previous level after a brief surge.(股市在短暂的上涨后回落到了之前的水平。)

2. fall back的读音为/fɔːl bæk/。

3. fall back常用于描述行动、战略、计划等方面,也可以用于日常生活中。:

- The army decided to fall back and regroup before launching another attack.


- When the negotiations failed, we had to fall back on our contingency plan.


- Whenever I feel overwhelmed, I like to fall back on my favorite hobby as a way to relax.



1. The team was losing badly, so they decided to fall back and focus on defense for the rest of the game.


2. After the company's failed expansion, they had to fall back on their original business model to stay afloat.


3. When the weather turned bad, the hikers had to fall back and set up camp earlier than planned.


4. The politician's popularity was falling, so he decided to fall back on his tried-and-true campaign strategies.


5. The teacher noticed that the student was struggling with the new material, so she suggested that he fall back and review the basics first.


4. fall back可以与其他词组合成短语,常见的有:

- fall back on:依靠、倚重于某事物

例句:When I lost my job, I had to fall back on my savings until I found a new one.


- fall back into:重新陷入某种状态或习惯

例句:After years of recovery, he fell back into his old habits and started drinking again.


- fall back to:回归到某种状态或位置

例句:The company's profits have fallen back to their pre-recession levels.


- fall back on one's feet:重新站稳脚跟、恢复正常生活

例句:After losing everything in a fire, the family managed to fall back on their feet and rebuild their home.


5. fall back的中文意思为“后退、撤退”,也可以指“回归、恢复”。它与其他词组合成的短语在不同情境下有不同的含义,但都与“倒退”、“后退”相关。:

- fall back on one's word:食言、背信弃义

- fall back into old habits:旧病复发、重蹈覆辙

- fall back in line:恢复秩序、遵守规则

- fall back to sleep:再次入睡

6. 总而言之,fall back是一个多义词,可以指向后退或者撤退的动作,也可以指回归到之前的状态或者位置。它常用于行动和战略、计划等方面,也可以用于日常生活中。它可以与其他词组合成短语,表达不同的含义。要根据上下文来理解其具体意思。


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