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1. fantasy是指一种想象或幻想,通常指的是不切实际或不现实的事物。它可以用作名词或形容词,表示虚幻的、不真实的。

2. fantasy是[fæntəsi],读音为/fæntəzi/。

3. 用例:

例句1:She has a fantasy of becoming a famous singer one day.

例句2:His stories are full of fantasy and magic.

例句3:The movie is a mix of reality and fantasy.

例句4:I have always had a fantasy about traveling to space.

例句5:Her paintings are filled with colorful fantasies.

4. 组词:

fantasyland (幻想世界)

fantasy novel (幻想小说)

fantasy game (幻想游戏)

fantasy creature (幻想生物)

fantasy world (幻想世界)

5. 中英文对照:

fantasy: 幻想,空想

example: 例子,实例

imagination: 想象力

unrealistic: 不现实的

fiction: 小说,虚构作品



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