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1. fairy是指仙女、精灵的意思,也可以指具有神奇能力的小人物。

2. fairy的读音为 /ˈfɛəri/,读作“费尔-里”。

3. 用例:

(1) The little girl believes in fairies and often talks to them in the garden.


(2) The fairy granted the poor woodcutter three wishes for his kindness.


(3) The fairy godmother helped Cinderella go to the ball and meet the prince.


(4) The old man told a story about a magical fairy who could turn anything into gold.


(5) The children were delighted to find a hidden fairy door in the tree trunk.


4. 组词:

fairyland (仙境)

fairy tale (童话故事)

tooth fairy (牙仙子)

fairy dust (仙尘)

fairy godmother (仙女教母)

5. 中英文对照:

fairy - 仙女、精灵

fairyland - 仙境

fairy tale - 童话故事

tooth fairy - 牙仙子

fairy dust - 仙尘

fairy godmother - 仙女教母



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