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Canto XXV - 神曲(The Divine Comedy) 英文版 - - 趣词英...

Canto XXV is the twenty-fifth canto of The Divine Comedy, an epic poem written by Italian poet Dante Alighieri in the early 14th century. It is part of the first book, Inferno, which describes Dante's journey through Hell.

Canto XXV - 神曲(The Divine Comedy) 英文版 - - 趣词英...

The word "canto" comes from the Italian word "canto", which means "song" or "chant". In The Divine Comedy, each canto is a separate section of the poem and is meant to be read as a standalone piece.

Pronunciation: /ˈkæntoʊ/ (KAN-toh)

Usage: In literary terms, a canto refers to a section or division of a long poem or epic. It can also be used to describe any division or chapter in a larger work.

Example Sentences:

1. In Canto XXV of The Divine Comedy, Dante and Virgil encounter the souls of those who were guilty of simony.


2. The canto ends with Dante witnessing the punishment for those who have committed simony - they are buried headfirst in holes with flames burning above them.

这一章以但丁目睹那些犯有罪的人的惩罚而结束 - 他们被头朝下埋在坑里,头顶上方燃烧着火焰。

3. Each canto in The Divine Comedy is written in terza rima, a poetic form invented by Dante himself.

《神曲》中的每一章都采用了特尔扎里玛(terza rima)的诗歌形式,这是但丁自己发明的。

4. The canto is a popular form of poetry in Italian literature, with many famous poets such as Petrarch and Boccaccio using it in their works.


5. The canto is a crucial part of The Divine Comedy, as it not only moves the plot forward but also provides insights into Dante's beliefs and values.


Synonyms: chapter, section, division, stanza

Editor's Summary:

Canto XXV of The Divine Comedy is a significant part of the epic poem written by Dante Alighieri. In literary terms, a canto refers to a section or division of a long poem or epic. Each canto is written in terza rima and provides insights into Dante's beliefs and values. It is an important piece of Italian literature and has been used by other famous poets such as Petrarch and Boccaccio.


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