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Canto XXIV - 神曲(The Divine Comedy) 英文版 - - 趣词英...

Canto XXIV is the twenty-fourth chapter of The Divine Comedy, an epic poem written by Italian poet Dante Alighieri in the early 14th century. This canto is part of the third and final section of the poem, Paradiso (Paradise), which describes Dante's journey through Heaven.

Canto XXIV - 神曲(The Divine Comedy) 英文版 - - 趣词英... means Canto XXIV of The Divine Comedy in English translation on QuCiying (趣词英...), a popular online dictionary and translation platform.

Pronunciation: [ˈkɑntoʊ twɛn.ti fɔr]

Canto XXIV - 神曲(The Divine Comedy) 英文版 - - 趣词英...

Usage: In literature and academic studies, Canto XXIV is often referenced as a key chapter in The Divine Comedy. It is also commonly used as a standalone term to refer to this specific canto.

Example sentences:

1. In Canto XXIV, Dante encounters the souls of those who were not baptized but lived virtuous lives on Earth.


2. The vivid imagery in Canto XXIV paints a beautiful picture of Heaven's splendor.


3. Many scholars believe that Canto XXIV symbolizes the importance of faith and good deeds in achieving salvation.


4. One can find profound insights into the nature of God in Canto XXIV of The Divine Comedy.


5. The emotional impact of Canto XXIV is deeply felt by readers, as it explores themes of love, redemption, and forgiveness.


Synonyms and usage:

1. Chapter - This word can be used interchangeably with "canto" to refer to a specific section of a book or poem.

2. Section - Similar to "chapter," this word can also be used to describe a specific part of a larger work.

3. Stanza - In poetry, a stanza is a group of lines that form a unit within a larger poem. Each canto in The Divine Comedy is divided into stanzas.

4. Verse - This term can refer to individual lines or groups of lines in a poem. In Canto XXIV, Dante's writing is composed in verse form.

5. Poem - While "canto" specifically refers to a section within The Divine Comedy, "poem" can be used to describe the entire work as a whole.

Editor's summary:

Canto XXIV is an important chapter in The Divine Comedy that explores themes of faith, love, and redemption. It is often referenced in literature and academic studies and holds significant symbolic meaning within the larger work. This canto showcases Dante's poetic prowess through vivid imagery and profound insights into the nature of God. It is commonly known by its number and can be used interchangeably with words such as "chapter" or "section."


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